There’s a Reason Behind Everything


Have you ever wondered how a ball of dough placed in a tray turns into a delicious, round cookie? Or, why exactly you use baking soda, eggs, and butter in your batter? Well, now you will find the answers that you’ve been waiting for.

I came across this video a few days ago, and I was so excited when I watched it because now I truly understand why certain ingredients are used in cookie recipes. There’s always a reason behind everything and this video, by TED Education, explains the purpose of the ingredients and in what way they contribute in making the cookie itself. For example, it explains how the butter used in the mixture helps flatten the cookie and how eggs give substance to squishy dough to make it solid.


When following a recipe, we usually tend not to think why we are using particular ingredients. However, I think that understanding the reason why can better a person’s cooking skills and knowledge when it comes to creating new recipes. This can compare to authors and their writings. Every author has his of her own style of writing and there’s always a reason to why they use certain techniques in their work. This week in English, we were discussing A Tale of Two Cities and learned how the author’s style contributed to the mood and other aspects of the story. For example, the author, Charles Dickens, uses long sentences with commas and semicolons, which adds a fast, suspenseful feel to the story. Also, his negative-connotation word choice serves a purpose in that it reveals the author’s tone toward the subject. These choices serve an important purpose in the story.

Next time you come across some unusual ingredient in a recipe or some unusual information in a textbook, remember that there’s some reason for it being present. Don’t hesitate to find out why!


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